Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd have received accreditation under SAFE Contractor. We are constantly reviewing, monitoring and updating our Health and Safety policies which include Method Statements and Risk Assessments.

Health & Safety Procedures
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd agrees to:
- Conform to all safety rules, regulations and codes of practice.
- Check that facilities provided by others fulfil the obligations and advise accordingly.
- Provide all necessary first aid facilities. We have recently trained 10 staff to be First Aider’s at Work
- Appoint a “competent person” on the site to manage health and safety during construction. We have staff trained in SSSTS.
- Ensure, in so far as is reasonably practicable, that all persons employed on, or visiting, the site are adequately informed, instructed, trained, supervised and equipped such that they are able to carry out their duties safely. We issue RAMS prior to works and also carry out inductions.
- Ensure that safety helmets and other necessary protective clothing are available to site visitors, if denoted by the Project Site information board
- All safety helmets and protective clothing must comply with current British Standards. We only purchase PPE from reputable companies and hold all invoices for inspection if required.
- Ensure that only authorised persons are allowed into any construction area. We would put this responsibility onto the SSSTS personnel that we provide.
- Ascertain the accuracy and sufficiency of information provided by the Employer or the PM to ensure the safety of all persons and the Works.
- Wherever possible labour saving lifting devices shall be used and materials sized to allow easy manual lifting. We also give Toolbox talks on a regular basis.
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd agrees to conform to the requirements of The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, and the corresponding Approved Code of Practice by:
- Compiling risk assessments
- Preparing method statements
- Providing information on the contract works that might affect the health and safety of any person
- Providing all necessary input to the Pre-Construction Information and Construction Phase Plan Providing all necessary input to the health and safety file
- Supply any method statements and comply with all CDM procedures required by the CDM co-ordinator and the Principal employer.
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd agrees to comply with all Pre-construction Information and the Construction Phase Plan
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd agrees to COSHH Regulations and will include them in all Method Statements as requested
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd runs bi-annually an Asbestos Awareness course for it operatives and agrees to the terms with respect to Asbestos.
Yes Contracts Building Services Ltd understands and agrees to on-site Risks to Health and Safety.

Need more details?
Contact us for details on creating and managing design projects, project features, and services and quotations.